Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Annierae in Cabo San Lucas 2007

Hi All,

Well Annierae (and family) made the annual trek to Cabo San Lucas Mexico to enjoy some fun & sun in the middle of Winter. Our little girl had a great time hanging out with everyone, swimming, watching (and talking non-stop) to all the people, swimming, eating, shopping, swimming, playing on the beach and oh- did I mention swimming?

She did great on the flights to and from Cabo, even though we left really, really early on the way there and didn't get home until really, really late on the way back (thanks to bad weather near Chicago).

All in all it was an enjoyable time for everyone and she's already talking about wanting to go back (especially to be with Grandma and Grandpa).

Here are a few pictures of her adventure this year:

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