Monday, November 07, 2005

Were leaving for China!!!!!

Well the time has come and we will be on our way to Annierae tomorrow at 8:35 am. We arrive in Beijing at 9:15 pm Wednesday night (11/9) and will be there touring the city until Sunday.

On Sunday morning we will leave for Chongqing for the beginning of "Gotcha Day". We should have Annierae in our arms in the afternoon and complete the adoption later that day! It will be long & busy day, but we plan to get pictures posted that day for all of you.

On November 16th we will fly to Guangzhou to get Annierae's Visa and Passport and Greg and I will take an oath at the Consulate to complete the process.

We then fly home on Saturday the 19th traveling on Northwest flight #466, arriving in Grand Rapids at 4:15 pm or so.

We (ok, probably Greg mostly) are planning to post daily as our adventure unfolds. Stay tuned and check back often for updates and photos of our little angel!

We appreciate all the support and prayers you have blessed us with, and we look forward to the continuation of those prayers during our journey. We are blessed and honored to have such wonderful family and friends to share this exciting adventure with. Thank you all!

More tomorrow, but off to bed for tonight! God Bless!


Anonymous said...

We are praying for safe travels for you all and cannot wait to meet little Annierae when you all arrive home! Be safe and God Bless you all! Love, The Bonifaces

Anonymous said...

I will be thinking of you constantly and checking for updates often!!! God be with all of you. Love, Aaron, Patty, John and Kyle.